Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Sweet Homecoming...

Today we experienced a miracle in a "small, furry" sort of way. At least a month ago one of our kitties disappeared. We have had Runtie for over 10 years, and she is the quintessential barn cat. She naps in the hay, chases our much-bigger dogs, and leaves sweet little "surprises" for us on the porch (well, as nice as a headless mouse or bunny can be). The entire time we have had her, Runtie has been known to disappear for a few days at a time--no big deal...she always returned, tired and hungry, but a few days of rest restored her to perfect health. Last month, however, she never returned from one of her mini-vacations. After days of worry, we sadly concluded that Runtie would not return. One of two things could have happened. She is pretty old, so she may have left home to [gulp] die..or she could be totally irked because of Bingo--an overly-hyper dog that has taken up at our house (ironically, not the first dog to do that...hmmmm...) We were very sad, but realized that nature may have taken its course...

As Steph weeded the flower garden (an event that deserves a post of its own! ha), I opened the laundry room door and saw a brown flash cross through the garage. I called to Steph, and we immediately began to search the garage. Much to our surprise, a tired, skinny Runtie was finally coaxed from under the car! I got her some food, and she scarfed it down. It appears that she hasn't eaten in quite a while. She is very skittish, but the same old Runtie!! This cat definitely has nine lives. As we speak, she is in the barn asleep on a tall pile of hay--safe from Bingo of course. The following pictures show Sophie giving her a big welcome home...

(By the way, I'm praying that Mr. White Socks, Donnie and Melanie's cat that disappeared at the same time as Runtie, will make a miraculous re-appearance, too..)

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