Friday, October 21, 2011


life rearranged

It's been a while since I've done Insta-Friday at Life Rearranged...the pictures go a few weeks back. They a just a glimpse into my daily life.

In mid-September we made our annual visit to the Greek Festival in Raleigh. They serve the most incredible lamb shank there that cannot be found anywhere else outside of Greece. We brought the HUGE lamb bones home for Bingo and Daisy. Quite quickly we learned that they love the Greek Festival, too...:)

A picture of my baby sleeping...I'd say that she obviously has no trouble getting comfy.

At Pier One, Linda and Sophie found what I've been looking for for years--utensil big enough for Angelo to eat his spaghetti!

Ang and Sophie stopped by for Open House at school a few weeks ago...she loves to play on my Smart Board.

Look who's coming to dinner!

Guess who's NOT being a werewolf for Halloween?  I HATE scary costumes (I also hate the Christmas decorations behind her..It's only October!!!)....

I also HATE scary decorations, but Ang thought that he would be a comedian and buy this "thing." He hung it outside my bathroom and scared the mess out of me...I was not amused...:(

Supermodel again...

Someone please tell my husband that this can't be

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

Linking with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday..

It has been a terrible week at school, so looking for things to love is going to be quite a stretch. We had terrible news at my school this week, so me and my colleagues have been walking around in a funk. Add that to the fact that the students are acting totally insane (that's what happens the week after Spirit Week) and you get one crazy, hectic, Calgon-take-me-away week.

I'm going to try to squeeze some positives out of it, though....

1. Does anyone remember this commercial?

It's one of my favorites and makes me laugh whenever I think of it. Well, yesterday I was totally frustrated with my classes because I had to keep repeating myself over and over. We are doing research projects in the library and for some reason the kids were not listening (see above!).  I would tell one group one thing and then have to repeat myself to another group two minutes later. Meanwhile, half of the first group would get distracted and ask me the same questions again.....Can you say "Beat my head against a wall?" All of a sudden this commercial popped into my mind....some days I feel that teaching is a lot like herding cats. No matter what I do, the stuudents don't listen and do the complete opposite...sigh....I guess it's a good thing I like cats...sometimes...:)

2. The next one is Sophie had Dress-Down Day at school (they get to wear "normal" clothes instead of their school uniform). She wore her first pair of skinny jeans and tall boots. Let me explain why this is a big deal. I'm a huge proponent of little girls looking like...well, little girls. While I love beautiful dresses and bows, I do realize that they aren't practical for school. After much pleading, I finally relented and bought "cool clothes." (By the way, how do third graders know what's "cool" and what's not?) I couldn't believe that she looked so "growny" (a Southern term stolen from my grandparents!). While I'm happy that she is interested in looking fashionable, it makes her look like a "mini teenager" instead of my little girl. I guess that I have to face the fact that she is growing up...her Daddy, on the other hand, isn't quite there yet! :)

In these pictures, she is pretending to be a is Bingo!

3. Found these at Trader Joe's this week....yum! It's a sure sign of Fall when they have these on the shelves. Have I mentioned that I LOVE Trader Joe's?


I always buy these yummy brownies whenever I go there, too. Does anyone else love the chocolate/sea salt taste combination like I do? Caramel and sea salt is not half-bad either!

Another reason to love Trader Joe's...the mini shopping carts!

4. I love this picture of Steph and one of her four-legged friends.

5. I love Zulily! I guess it's a good thing that I no longer have a small child to shop for! They do have deals for other things though... Erin Condren  was 50% off this week! :)

I'll leave you with some sweet quotes and a few's hoping that the rest of the week is much better....

Haha...just kidding...sort of...:0)

I believe in fighting corporate greed with properly spelled protest signs.

My thoughts about the Occupy Wall Street Movement....

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall and Halloween Decorating....

I absolutely LOVE is my favorite time of year. First off, I love the cooler weather. It is such a welcome relief after the sweltering North Carolina heat (even though it is still ridiculously hot here--today it was in the 80s!..ugghhh) I also love the decorating--oranges, browns, and yellows are the primary colors in my house, so I really love adding more. They remind me of all the things that I like to enjoy this time of year--football, pumpkin patches, the NC State fair, delicious soups, etc. Decorating for this time is fun for me also because it is relatively stress-free. I don't have any of the  pressures that I do at Christmas (you know, the competing-with-the-Jones problem), so I am able to sit back and enjoy it more. I also don't tend to go overboard (like I have been known to do for other holidays :)

(sorry that these pictures are super dark--I'm still learning about settings...)

This spider is specifically for Steph since we know that she loves them soooo much! lol

Looks like the spider caught something in her web! :0)

Happy fall, y'all!
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Monday, October 10, 2011