Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

It's that time again. I'm linking with Jamie this week for What I'm Loving Wednesday and spotlighting what I'm really loving right now.

1. I'm really loving that this is my 50th blog post!!!!!

2. I'm really loving milder temperatures in North Carolina. I was so tired of the typical summer weather here---hot and humid, hot and humid, hot and humid...... It gets old really fast. Things seem to be changing, though, and I think that I can finally feel relief in sight.With the exception of last weekend's hurricane rain, we have had perfect weather.

3. I'm really loving the fact that Fayetteville finally got a Mellow Mushroom! Sophie and I ate there tonight with my SIL Vicky and close friends Stephanie and Dennis. It was yummy! I'm so happy that we finally have a decent pizza place in town.

4. I never thought that I would say this, but I'm really enjoying taking care of Stephanie's sugar glider Todd while she is away during the week at school. Dorms do not allow pets, so I knew that he would be in my care. At first I was not pleased because I have always been afraid that he would bite me. He does bite,  (everyday!) but it's still really fun to feed and try to cuddle him at night. He really misses his mommy though, and we are both glad when they can see each other on the weekends.

5. I am obsessed right now with the blog IHeart Organizing. Jen is truly an organizing genius, and I cannot wait to read her posts everyday. She inspires me, and I often find myself dreaming of organizing my house like hers (nerdy, I know). If you haven't checked her out, do so immediately! Your house will thank you!

IHeart Organizing
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10 Day You Challenge--Six Places

Six Places

For today's challenge, I have to describe six places that are important to me. These places are near-and-dear to my heart for one reason or another.

1. UNC-Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC) and North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)--These two places go hand-in-hand to me because they represent a wonderful time in my life. Angelo and I started dating when we were both students at these universities, and we spent many happy moments in each place. Even though our schools are rivals, it was so much fun hanging out in each place and teasing each other over which school was the better of the two (there really is no contest--Go Tarheels!). Each town is unique and special, and it was fun discovering them while also discovering each other. I'm so happy that Stephanie is going to State now because it is allowing me to relive some of those special moments.

2. Walt Disney World--Anyone who knows me or my family knows how special Disney World is to us. Ever since my first visit in 1992 with my SIL Vicky and Angelo, it has had a undescribable affect on me. It is as close to a utopia as I can imagine--thrilling parks, impeccable food, and fantasy hotels still have me under their spell even to t
his day. I can't tell you how many people have asked me over the years why we keep going back. My response has always been the same, "If you haven't ever been, then there is no way to describe it." I treasure our yearly vacations, and I am so proud that my girls will always associate this magical place with their childhood.

3. Little River, South Carolina--We have a condo there, so what more can I say??  It is our home-away-from home, and it represents countless lazy hours spent with family and friends. For me, it is also a place associated with my parents, and I cannot help but think of them whenever I am there. My mom and dad were happier there than anywhere else in the world, and what better reason than that do I need to love this place?

4. Dallas, Texas--As a lifelong Dallas Cowboy Fan, it was only a matter of time before Angelo drug me to see his "boys." After numerous trips, I can attest to the fact that "everything is bigger and better in Texas." I look forward to our annual getaways because they are always filled with fabulous shopping, eating, and sports. From the historic Texas Stadium to the the Stockyards of Fort Worth, I will always love this larger-than-life destination. In fact, I could easily see myself living here one day if it weren't for the gazillion degree weather:)

5. Paris, France--Almost three Valentine's ago, Angelo and I spent the most incredible week in Paris. Talk about a once in a lifetime trip??? It was wonderful from start to finish, and I sometimes have to pinch myself whenever I think of it. We did it all: went to the top of the Eiffel Tower, cruised the river Seine, wandered the Louvre, and strolled the streets eating bagettes. It was freezing cold but we didn't mind...the thrill of discovering a new country kept us occupied. We have been to many fabulous places (and have even gone back to Paris), but this first trip was nearly perfect from start to finish.

6. Home-Sweet-Home--Regardless of where I go, there is truly no place like home. It is the place where I unwind, relax, and spend time with my family. It is my dream house but that is only part of the reason that I love it so much. Countless holidays and family gatherings have taken place here and will forever be in my memory. There is no better joy than coming home from a long day at work and simply putting on relaxing clothes and settling into my comfy surroundings. I have traveled everywhere, but the feeling when I enter home is beyond compare.

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Monday, August 29, 2011

10 Day You Challenge--Seven Wants

Seven Wants

1. I want my children to become happy, well-adjusted, compassionate adults. What parent does not want this for their children??

2. Not to sound like a sappy, country-music song, but I want to live my live with no regrets--I don't want to one day find out that there is a long list of things that I never got to do for one reason or another.

3. I want to see the world and my own country.

4. I want to be secure in my relationship with God.

5. I want a healthy, happy marriage for life.

6. World peace (hahah...I love Miss Congeniality! However, it is a great thing to wish for...)

7. Black Uggs...swoon....:)

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

10 Day You Challenge--8 Fears

Eight Fears mean that I have to limit it to eight?? Let me work on this for a few hours...:0)

...the death of my husband or children....
...Walmart at rush hour....
...small spaces....
....dying alone....
....little people....[I know that this one is not politically correct--sorry]
...getting wrongly accused of a crime....
....extreme heights....

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Earthquake Humor

I found this cartoon on Kate's blog today. Considering all of the strange weather we have been having lately (the earthquake, Hurricane Irene), I couldn't help but laugh. I imagine that Californians are laughing hysterically at our "catastrophe!" Enjoy!

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10 Day You Challenge--Nine Loves

Nine Loves

....eating out....
....clean sheets....
...a good book....
...summer vacation....
...Fall decorating....
...Dallas Cowboys...
...sleeping late...
...Disney World...
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

10 Day You Challenging (or the get my butt back into blogging regularly challenge)

I found this challenge on another blog and thought that I would play along. In case you haven't noticed, in typical teacher-on-summer-break fashion, I have been extremely slack...since life is picking back up (and I have a handy, dandy new laptop--thanks Ang!), I'm going to devote more time to my Thoughtful Spot. Here goes....

10 Secrets:

1. Since Stephanie has started college, I have been thinking a lot about my years in school. I loved college (Go Tarheels!), but I don't think that I truly took advantage of my college experience. I wish that I could go back and participate in more activities, go to more games, and simply enjoy the freedoms that youth know, no bills, no responsibilities, no worries.  I wouldn't change the main things, of course, just make more sweet Carolina memories...

2. I love reality television! I watch several, but I'm almost afraid to admit one of my's pointless and trashy at times yet down-right addicting. I will admit that I have been known to watch the marathons on E whenever I's Keeping Up With The Kardashians! (I know, I know....I'm a sucker for it--truly sad..:) As you can guess, I can't wait to watch the "American Royal Wedding" Special in

3. I'm pretty sure that I made a mistake when I chose to be a teacher (gulp--this is a biggie, I know)...I started out liking my profession, but over the years, it has become less and less appealing. It's not the students (I actually like the teaching part). Rather, it's all of the paperwork and bureaucracy that makes it almost unbearable. The problem is that I have too much time invested to get another job, not to mention the fact that I LOVE my summers off. What a dilemma.....

4. I'm addicted to my IPhone. Period.

5. I have a novel inside of me dying to get out...I'm sure of it! All I have to do is get the courage to write it.

6. I love to do laundry. I don't know why, but I find it cathartic....Putting it away after I fold it is another story though....

7. I love reading blogs.  I have several that I read religiously. Just recently I read a post that said that blogs are like porn for women...that's a drastic analogy, but I agree with it one hundred percent. I probably have 50 bookmarked on my phone. Is there some type of therapy for this?

8. I get a natural high from planning, packing, and going on trips. Maybe I was a travel agent in another life?  Ironically, I actually chose the travel industry for a career project while in high school...hmmm..maybe I should have stuck with that as a career path instead of teaching??

9. I love sweets and milk before going to bed,

10. I check at least ten times during the major celebrity news will get away from me! lol

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm linking with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday...

It's Wednesday again and I find myself in the same position I was in last week--no new posts. So tonight I've decided to do a longer update to show what I'm loving and also what I have been doing the last few weeks.

1. I'm loving that Stephanie is settled into college. We had a really successful move-in on August 11th. She was majorly upset because she had to go so early (her university started an entire week before the others in our area!). She is part of a group of ladies that are all studying science and engineering, so they all had to go early to have orientation. Thomas, her Daddy and I loaded her up early and headed to Raleigh.

After moving in, we went out to lunch and then shopping for a few more essentials (I will admit that I have loved every minute of shopping for the dorm--so fun!). Finally at 8:00 we had to leave. If anyone tells you that moving your child into a dorm and then leaving her is easy, DO NOT BELIEVE IT! I understand that it is a necessary part of life, but it is still extremely difficult. The one good thing about it is that she is only 50 minutes away, and we visit as often as possible. She also comes home to work on the weekends.

My bonus room was used all summer to hold all of her ever-growing dorm collection...I'm glad to finally have it back!

Welcome to Lee Hall!

The view of Downtown Raleigh from her room...not bad--especially at night!

He's pooped and sad at the same time....:(

Getting organized....the fun part!

At Thomas's dorm, just a few blocks away...

After move-in lunch at Buffalo Brothers....

2. I'm also loving that she is getting to work closely with one of the things that she loves--animals. She is an Animal Science major and hopes to go to vet school after graduation. Her animal science course and Companion Animal Club allow her to interact with all kinds of interesting critters...she is totally in her element (though I would have had to draw the line with the snake!).

Well, school starts tomorrow and I'm definitely NOT loving that. More later....
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm linking with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday....

It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything new...quite honestly I think that subconsciously I've been thinking that the less I do, the slower summer will pass by. Unfortunately, that plan didn't work, and it's time to face the music: summer is over, and it's time to get back in the groove of the school year. These posts are pretty easy to do and hopefully will ease the transition back into writing.

1. Apparently it's the small things that are going to make me happy right now because one of the things I am enjoying right now is an IPhone game called Words with Friends. It's an online Scrabble game, and I am totally addicted! My husband and I play several games a day and even though he skunks me a majority of the time, I love it! If you haven't played,  I highly recommend it. Be warned, can't stop with one game!


2. Like most other female in America, I'm loving the movie and the novel The Help. I read the book a few weeks ago and enjoyed it immensely. The movie, although different in parts, was just as enjoyable. My favorite part of the book and the film were the female characters, especially Abileen. The story was a perfect combination of history, sadness, and laughter. As an English teacher,  I think that it will be a great novel to teach in conjunction with To Kill a Mockingbird. Do not let this one pass you by!

3. Most people will probably consider my next one pretty pathetic for an (almost) 40 year old woman but I'm loving the new song "I Wanna Go" by Brittany Spears found here. I cannot get the tune out of my head! Even though she can be a nutcase, I still like her music, especially this song (sad, I know..).

4. I've posted this last one before but since I went back to work today, I have to keep repeating it to myself. It's either this one or I will have to resort to this:

Happy Hump Day!
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