Despite being down about a few issues this week, there are quite a few things that I am loving and am thankful about. I am teaming up with Jamie at Little Daisy May to share my list.
1. I am thankful that my plane landed safely, and that I got to see Sophie. She has been fine without us the past two years, but this year she was not. It broke my heart to hear her on the phone every night. I am especially thankful my SIL Vicky and friend Melanie took such good care of her...love you both! To channel one of my favorite literary characters, "As God as my witness, I will never leave my baby girl again!!"
2. This is my second time in France, and both times I drooled over the Longchamp store and their bags. I got a few on my first trip, and I had to add to my collection. I LOVE my new le pliage bag!! This line of bags from Longchamp offers the perfect versatile bag, especially for traveling.
3. What trip to Paris would be complete without a trip to Laduree? I am still loving the wonderful macaroons I had there. If I had been in Paris at the end of my trip instead of the beginning, this is what I would have brought all of my friends. The rumor is that they are building one in New York City...gasp!!
4. and finally...a biggie for the week....
I am loving a new book series that has me totally obsessed. It is The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. I had been hearing a lot of buzz about the series, especially since they just cast the first movie. I downloaded it on my Kindle before I left, and I have been reading it nonstop. They are fabulous! This is not even my genre (young adult, fantasy, dystopia), but I highly recommend them to anyone. I have actually started slowing my reading down because I know that I will mourn the books when they are finished. Does that ever happen to anyone else?
**As a final request, please say a few prayers for me this week...I definitely could use all I can get....